CS 199: SPST Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assignment 3: Basic Shapes, Colouring and Building This assignment is constructed to get you aquainted with shape possibilities in Second Life. Task #1: ~~~~~~~ At the location: PSU CS199 (12,12,25) I have rezzed 13 prims. Your task is to try and duplicate all of the shapes, complete with colouring. (You can buy a copy for L$0) The prims are ordered in increasing level of difficulty. Notes: In the edit dialog, you need to expand the properties by hitting the "More >>" button. To complete this assignment, you will need to use the "Object", "Texture" and "Content" Tabs. The only texture used is the Default texture and a Blank texture. Hint: All prims have a length/height/width of 0.5. Task #2: ~~~~~~~ Build something fun! :) Use multiple prims, and link them all together (Menu->Tools->Link) to form a single object. Texturing is not necessary.